Powerful Mac Editors to Replace Notepad++

After switching from Windows to Mac, one application that I miss the most is Notepad++. Over time, I tried multiple apps on the Mac to replace Notepad++, but none brought the same feel and ease. Eventually, I started using TextEdit and discovered it’s more than just a basic text editor. There are many features in TextEdit that most people are unaware of. In this article, we’ll explore the top Notepad++ features you can use in TextEdit and how to achieve similar functionality.


Instead of covering the basic features that most people already know, we’ll focus on some advanced features that are often overlooked.

AutoSave in TextEdit

TextEdit supports AutoSave, a lifesaver for those moments when you accidentally close the app or experience a crash. Unlike Notepad++, which requires plugins for similar functionality, TextEdit’s AutoSave is built-in. To ensure AutoSave is enabled, go to System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Windows & Apps > Ask to keep changes when closing documents and disable it.

Tab Feature in TextEdit

If you’re used to opening multiple files in tabs with Notepad++, you’ll be pleased to know that TextEdit also supports tabs. To open a new tab, simply go to File > New Tab or press Command + T. This feature allows you to keep multiple documents open in a single window, making it easier to switch between them.


Notepad++ has a useful auto-completion feature that speeds up coding and writing by suggesting words and phrases as you type. TextEdit doesn’t have this feature built-in, but there’s a workaround: you can enable Spelling and Grammar check under Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing. While this doesn’t provide the same level of auto-completion as Notepad++, it can help reduce typos and offer basic word suggestions.

Search and Replace

TextEdit also supports powerful search and replace functionalities, similar to Notepad++. To use it, press Command + F to open the search bar. You can click the magnifying glass icon to expand to a more advanced search and replace mode, where you can search for specific text and replace it with something else across the entire document.

Start TextEdit with a New Document Right Away

If you prefer to have TextEdit open with a new document instead of showing the open file dialog every time you launch the app, you can easily change this setting. Open Terminal and type the following command:

defaults write com.apple.TextEdit NSShowAppCentricOpenPanelInsteadOfUntitledFile -bool false

This command sets TextEdit to start with a new blank document by default, similar to how Notepad++ behaves.


While TextEdit might not be a one-to-one replacement for Notepad++, it offers several features that can help fill the gap. Additionally, the Mac ecosystem has several powerful text editors like Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, and Atom that provide even more features and customization options. With a bit of tweaking and exploration, you can find a text editor on Mac that suits your needs just as well, if not better, than Notepad++.

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